
Personal website of Clément Rebuffel, PhD student in Natural Language Generation.

This site is powered by Hugo, which is supposedly the world’s fastest framework for building websites and hosted by Netlify. It is based on the excellent github-style theme, which I have extended in a number of ways (for instance to support the Gallery). Speaking of, I have borrowed heavily from CSS-Tricks to build the Gallery. The icons for the Blog, Gallery and About sections are from Flaticon. Authors are Freepik, Pixel-Perfect and Freepik respectively. 🙏

If you are interested in building something similar for yourself, the code is freely available on my Github profile. If you found a bug, please feel free to raise an issue and we’ll investigate.

For any inquiry, job offer, good joke you want to share, etc. you can contact me by email or via one of the following plateform: